


I'm a girl who loves art. Creating art is one of my greatest passions in life, and I pour my heart and soul into every piece I make. There's just something about the process of taking an idea from my imagination and bringing it to life on a canvas or a sheet of paper that fills me with joy and fulfillment. In terms of my personality, I would say that I am a deeply introspective and empathetic person. I have a keen eye for detail and am always observing the world around me, taking in the colors, shapes, and textures of everything I see. I am also a very emotional person, and I tend to feel things very deeply. When I create art, it's almost like a form of therapy for me, a way to process my emotions and express myself in a way that words cannot. I'm also a very curious person, always hungry to learn and grow as an artist. I love exploring new mediums and techniques, and I'm constantly pushing myself to try new things and expand my skills. And when it comes to sharing my art with others MallorieSanchez » Cams

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Info updated: 2024, Jun, 30

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  1. Turns on or: there are certain things about myself that I really appreciate and enjoy. For one thing, I love the way my hands look and feel when I'm creating art. They're strong and nimble, able to manipulate a brush or pencil with precision and finesse. And when I'm doing my makeup, I love the way my fingers move over my face, applying color and texture to create a look that's uniquely me.
  2. Not : In terms of drawing specifically, I really dislike when I'm in the middle of a piece and I can't seem to get it to look the way I want it to. It can be frustrating when the image in my head doesn't translate onto the paper in front of me, but I try to remind myself that mistakes and imperfections are all part of the creative process.
  3. Pictures: MallorieSanchez

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